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Hyperhidrosis is commonly known as excessive sweating. This condition can affect the whole body, or it can be isolated to certain areas.

People who have this condition often find that they sweat excessively in areas where there is a high concentration of sweat glands, such as the hands, feet, armpits and the groin area.

It is normal to sweat if you get hot or while doing exercise or anything else which requires physical exertion. Sweat is your body’s natural way of cooling itself down. But if you find that you are sweating when your body does not need to be cooled down, then you may be suffering from hyperhidrosis.

The condition is typically worse in the summertime when the temperatures are higher. But the condition can affect sufferers all year round.

Excessive sweating is a common problem, affecting around 2 to 3 percent of the population. However only 40 percent of those affected seek hyperhidrosis treatment.

The condition can be embarrassing, but luckily it can be easily controlled with hyperhidrosis treatment. Excessive sweating treatment can take a number of different forms. Treatment options include tablets, injectables such as Botox, targeting the areas with a weak electric current (iontophoresis) or sweat gland surgery. The treatment will depend on the severity of the hyperhidrosis, the area of the body which is affected and the patient’s own individual circumstances.

There are two types of hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis causes excessive sweating in specific areas, such as the underarms and face, without any apparent reason. Secondary hyperhidrosis affects a large area of the body, or sometimes the whole body.

Certain medications or existing medical conditions, such as menopause, can cause secondary hyperhidrosis. But usually primary hyperhidrosis occurs for no obvious reason.

If you suddenly start to sweat excessively, you should seek medical advice to rule out any other medical problem.

There are a number of reasons why people seek hyperhidrosis treatment.

  • Quick solution to excessive sweating - treatment takes just 10 minutes

  • Highly effective excessive sweating treatment

  • Leaves skin dry with reduced moisture

  • Keep symptoms under control

  • Improve self-confidence and self-esteem

  • Reduce stress, anxiety and unhappiness



Please get in touch to discusss your needs and book a cinsultation.

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