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Generates new collagen and skin tissue for smoother, firmer, more toned skin. Microneedling is mostly used on the face and may treat various types of acne scars, wrinkles and large pores.

£90 per session (courses available)

1 hour


Microneedling involves the insertion of microscopic needles into the skin. At Refined Aesthetics, we use a Dermapen, which gently makes tiny puncture wounds as it is moved over the skin. Although these holes are invisible to the naked eye, your body reacts as it would to an injury and rapidly starts a healing process. 


Microneedling is sometimes called collagen induction therapy as it prompts the skin to flood the area with those beauty essentials, collagen and elastin. After treatment, your skin will be plumper and fresher, and imperfections like small scars and stretch marks will begin to look smoother.


This healing process will produce a rejuvenating effect on your skin, but microneedling also allows your therapist to introduce high-performance beauty products into the lower level of the skin through the tiny holes created by the Dermapen. This additional step is called mesotherapy and we use it to supercharge the microneedling treatment, making it even more effective for our clients.


What can Microneedling do for me? 

Microneedling is a very versatile treatment that can help many conditions, including ageing skin, enlarged pores, acne scars, stretch marks, pigmentation, and scarring. Some conditions like acne scarring may need a course of treatment. Microneedling can be used on the body and the face. 


Is it painful?

Say the word needle, and some people cringe, but the needles used in Microneedling are exceptionally fine and cause very little trauma to the skin. Most clients suffer minimal discomfort during the process, but numbing creams are available if required. A microneedling session usually takes about 30 to 45 minutes. You may experience some redness for two to three days afterwards as your skin starts to pump all the healing and rejuvenating material into the treated area.


When will I see the results?

Some clients see the effects immediately, but it may take several sessions to achieve complete results on areas of pigmentation, widespread acne scars, or stretch marks. 


Because Microneedling uses your body’s natural healing response, it causes permanent positive changes in the skin. The healing process will last for up to a couple of years after treatment, so the appearance of your skin will continue to improve. 


Unfortunately, the ageing process cannot be halted entirely, so clients who love Microneedling for the youthful glow that it gives will need regular treatments. Microneedling does not damage the epidermis, the top layer of your skin, and so can be repeated safely.


Microneedling 1 session £90

Course of three treatments £240

Book your consultation with Mark today

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